What makes your life interesting, unique? What do you notice?

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Learning the Language of the Web

Maybe I'm at level 2. I know I'm not at level 1.
I liken the experience of learning web tools to learning a new language.
For me, I need to do things over and over again.
I know after this class, I will revisit the manual, the tools.

I am grateful for having been introduced to so much I didn't know, or
had taken the time to explore.

There is so much to experience, take in, in a short time.
I've been in a kind of cognitive overload, that's how it is.
Can't put more water into a sponge that's full unless you wring out the sponge...
or let the liquid do what it wants to do.

I'm noticing how I can understand things better than I did before when someone mentions or talks about web tools.  I don't feel so "foreign".  Maybe I'm in the dangerous area!  Knowing a little about a lot!
Ahhhh, that's how life, and language, are sometimes!


  1. And in addition the technology we learn in this class can help us become "more interesting" teachers. Now we just have to put it to a good use.

  2. You are so right, so right.
    Just this week, I had an in-service about Webpress.com. Liked exploring it as an alternate blog. We're encouraged to use it as a teaching tool.
