What makes your life interesting, unique? What do you notice?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

When Something Weighs Heavy

I noticed how something was upsetting me...
I realize I can only be responsible for myself. I was feeling bad, confused, trying to
figure out what to do.
Praying is helpful, asking the wisdom inside, deep inside, for insight, clarity.
Then, I took some action.

Sometimes, we need to share with another what burdens us...sometimes not.

When we don't know, we do what we feel we can, what is best within reason.
The rest is...up to the Divine, I believe.
My fate, trusting in the way things play out....trust in myself to make the best choices, and
learning from what comes for me to accept and grow with.

Another good day of Life!
I am grateful.  I notice the little bit of sunshine now coming through the clouds ---- like the clouds of my mind. Ahhh, light.


  1. This is some very excellent advice that we can all take to heart. Thanks again!

  2. I don't know about you, but being a graduate student is really stressful. The limited research on grad student health says that we suffer perhaps the most stress, sadness, and depression amoung other student populations.
    I have discovered this to be true because ever since I started this program I have not felt complete. At the age of 25, society and family tells you the opposite of what academia tells you.

    You must block everything that you want to do in order to finish your graduate dregree(s). For example, in you are in love and don't have a job. You have to sacrafice that love for your degree. You cannot help your family how you want because your attention needs to be in school. It's very hard.

    I am feeling blue too and I don't have the social network I had as an undergrad. This city is huge and lonely. But I agree with you, sometimes we have to share what we feel with others because it's just too much to eat it up. And sometimes we need some crying so our hearts can heal. It takes time and a lot of courage to make difficult decisions and move on.

  3. Thanks for your comments! I've read and appreciate your sharing!

  4. Thanks Noticing Now and World Traveler. I agree World Traveler that grad school can be painful. Since I started I have gotten sick three out of the four quarters that I have been attending. I agree too that it is painful not to be able to give to the family of your time and resources. I have always given my time and gifts, and I never really thought too much about it. Now that I have to study and reserve my mind for that I don't have a lot of time or energy for my (huge) family. But there's always hope, and something to look forward to if we just "notice" it! For example my husband was espcially nice this weekend! I do not take that for granted. People will need to understand that you are studying. All will be well today and in the end.

  5. Noticing,
    That was really lovely. Thank you.
