What makes your life interesting, unique? What do you notice?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

In and Out

I've looked at this blog several times since my last posting, checking in and out.
Funny how now that I have one, blog, that is, I'm aware of the call...putting my voice "out there"
for myself and others.
That's what I'm noticing.
Sometimes it's good to ....yes, be quiet.
Restore the balance.
Sometimes no matter how much the mind wants me to do something, my body says rest.
The blog can wait.

Not today!  I'm back in.....in touch. Every day is a new day....to let come what wants to come.
No forcing. Feels better.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Such Relief

Finishing up a big project....gives such a sense of satisfaction.
Climbing the mountain and looking into the valley.....looking over both shoulders.
Facing the sun, the moon, the stars, the universe....feeling such a joy.

Thank you, God. Thank you, my instructor. Thank you, my partners. Thank you, my classmates.
Thank you, my parents, friends, family.....wonderful husband.

It's a YES day.

Monday, June 7, 2010

I discovered edublogs.org

Where have I been???
I'm noticing more and more info now available, especially since I discovered edublogs.org...thousands and thousands of education people - like me - blogging.  Imagine the time to read all that "interesting" information...
One must be selective, discretionary, balanced.

I'm reminded of when I first learned the computer in 1983, preparing for the Olympics in L.A. I remember feeling a person could get "sucked into" the world on the screen. I didn't want to sit for hours learning, looking, looking further, linking endlessly....ahhhhh.  It blew me away how engrossing and ...seductive the information was. 
And still is!
Is it better today?  In some ways yes, someways no.

Perennial challenge....choice. Balance. Consequences. Re-examining. Choosing again.

Ahh, life.
May I be focused on what I really want, and less distracted by all the stuff around me.
I love to notice things, but where I put my attention...that is something else.
You know what I mean.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Saturday Noticing, Reflecting, Appreciating

I woke up early....composing a blog message, paper writing, collaborative project completion ...on my mind.
Couldn't do it, get up that is. My mind needed more rest.
After exercising and necessary cleaning, put my backside down on my chair at the computer to explore the subjects of:  Blogging in Education and Facebook in Education. Whoa!!!
Amazing, esp blogging!!!!  EduBlog has been around since 2005. Look how much I've missed, BUT
the question really seems to me, for me, maybe you, too:
How much can you keep connecting with online and balancing your life away from the computer?

I may, that is, may, set up something with my summer class in the lab. Need to be very prepared.
Results could be wonderful. Me, need to do my homework. Summer school starts the Monday after
a Friday finish of a semester.  Ahhh, time, time, time.
Maybe I'll prepare while I sleep!
Hmmm.  Maybe not.

To be explored. I welcome ideas of how you might be using blogs in your classroom.
It's trippy having a firmer foot in the e-world of education, and good.
I'm grateful.
Real time in the classroom....we've got to be prepared for anything.
Makes such a difference.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Noticing Today

While I have time to study and do many things I need to do today, I see my step-son on FOX News in an interview about his Marine who died the other day, number 1000.  I am so proud of him.
I lit candles, red candles, today....they burn in my mind every day for all those serving our country.
I really believe there is a lot of misunderstanding about our mission there....and lack of support from so many. It is a very difficult situation to get one's head around.

Not only that, I downloaded Arizona Senate Bill 1070 to read for myself.  I do not want to be ignorant of something that so many people THINK they know about, but, I believe, don't.  I want to know for myself.
Unbelievable what Calderon was lecturing the US on in the US Senate, while his own country, MEXICO,
has the laws IT has for illegal immigrants.  And to have Democrats applaud, made me almost ill. Truly.

Another thing I noticed last night and today, is that, after allowing myself to sign up for Facebook, I now can imagine thousands of profit-hungry companies checking out my profile to see what they can sell me. Maybe I was sold on their bill-of-goods.  Reading the TIME magazine article last night affirmed my thinking about what they are after.  I'm a marketer, did it for a living. I know how people get other people to buy.
Who does Zuckerberg think he is?? Geez.  I can't imagine that world. I'm considering getting out before too long, though I read they don't make it easy.  How about that!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Joining the Facebook community

I did it....as part of an assignment and experiment. I want to see if and how I use this now ubiquitous social networking community.
Feels kind of strange to now "belong". I'm a Friend. Asking to be connected with other Friends.

Good that I can control the outreach, control my responding, shut it down if I want.
Wonder what Facebook staff has collected to send to marketers already.
It's pervasive, yes, probably every time we log on to our computers....someone knows more about us than we ever thought they would....because we've told them.
Let's see how their revised Privacy policy works. 
Oh, just bought Time magazine yesterday, with ...you guessed it...Facebook on the cover.
Want to see what their writer/s say.
It's a deeper cyber world I'm in now.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Learning the Language of the Web

Maybe I'm at level 2. I know I'm not at level 1.
I liken the experience of learning web tools to learning a new language.
For me, I need to do things over and over again.
I know after this class, I will revisit the manual, the tools.

I am grateful for having been introduced to so much I didn't know, or
had taken the time to explore.

There is so much to experience, take in, in a short time.
I've been in a kind of cognitive overload, that's how it is.
Can't put more water into a sponge that's full unless you wring out the sponge...
or let the liquid do what it wants to do.

I'm noticing how I can understand things better than I did before when someone mentions or talks about web tools.  I don't feel so "foreign".  Maybe I'm in the dangerous area!  Knowing a little about a lot!
Ahhhh, that's how life, and language, are sometimes!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

New Tools

Wow!  There is so much going on in Cyberspace it boggles my mind.
After an in-service on another blog tool for teachers today, having had the experiences we've had in TESL 565, I felt so...grateful! so much more able to navigate, to recognize the language.
Makes me want to explore blogger.com more, as well as wordpress.com
Never ending.  That's ok...it's quite wonderful...people are using their creativity and sharing in some many new dimensions.  Amazing.  Gotta be open to exploring....or we're left in the dust - literally and figuratively!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday sleep

I'm noticing how my body appreciates the extra sleep I had last night.
I didn't turn on the alarm clock.
My mind needed it TOO!
What am I thinking....the brain needs rest as well!
Yesterday was such a workout.
The week was a workout.

Even Brandy Chastain and all the other Olympians rest.
I'm not there, but sometimes I feel I'm competing in my own Olympic challenge with myself.
To the GOLD!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

When Something Weighs Heavy

I noticed how something was upsetting me...
I realize I can only be responsible for myself. I was feeling bad, confused, trying to
figure out what to do.
Praying is helpful, asking the wisdom inside, deep inside, for insight, clarity.
Then, I took some action.

Sometimes, we need to share with another what burdens us...sometimes not.

When we don't know, we do what we feel we can, what is best within reason.
The rest is...up to the Divine, I believe.
My fate, trusting in the way things play out....trust in myself to make the best choices, and
learning from what comes for me to accept and grow with.

Another good day of Life!
I am grateful.  I notice the little bit of sunshine now coming through the clouds ---- like the clouds of my mind. Ahhh, light.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Monday Noticing

One week after one of the --- really --- toughest mental exercises I've ever had,
I'm feeling pretty good --- I made it through.

I've noticed that I must keep my eye on the goal, not get down if I can help it.
If I do, see it, feel it, remember I'm not perfect...there will be disappointments.
I am human.
I am human.
I am a darned fine human who gives a lot.

After the conference Saturday night, where I noticed teachers were enormously appreciated there,
how, unfortunately, they are not so much in everyday life.  It's a paradox --- we love good teachers, they make a huge difference in our lives, yet we do not show them a great deal of respect and honor in this country, unlike Asian countries. 

When we have much in front of us and available, like free education, we often take it for granted,
complain, and sometimes show gratitude.

Teaching is a calling, that's for sure.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday Spin and Return

This morning I noticed how restless I was because there was lack of clarity in my mind about a project. I felt things spinning, and I wanted to find my way.  Rather than push, I prayed.
Remember, yes, let go, let God.
Not easy sometimes, when the mind and will want to control something.

Life took me into other areas of focus, and.....whatdaya know.....
I found my way through the maze.
Some blessings, some guardian, to greater clarity.

I was so grateful.  I am so grateful.
Good sleep to us all as much as possible.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

In Class now

I'm noticing how I need to trust, take the leap....almost like the first time I skiied.
Gotta let go of the mind.
Move forward from another place....I'm don't really know what that place is....
my LAD, maybe????

It doesn't need a name.

I'm very grateful it's there. 
ahhhh, it's coming....Maybe it's my higher mind, the gift of channeling may be there without my
TRYING so hard.
Ah, breathe.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tuesday afternoon

Have you noticed - I'm sure you have - how sometimes, no matter HOW much you THINK you can do it, you need to rest?   Your body just hits a wall, your brain, too.

I had one of those today, and I noticed when I lay down to rest, the gate banged, the dryer noise was going, the milked-up coffee I had just drunk...... didn't exactly facilitate a quick, deep nap. Just when I thought I couldn't get up - how the body fights to rest! - I managed to fix the gate, turn off the dryer, and get a somewhat restorative nap.  Thank you, God.  I noticed, I am grateful.

I'm not in control of myself all the time with my mind.  I notice this! Do you!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Noticing today, May 6

Noon, May 6

I noticed how incredibly well students were sharing today, wonderful engagement, using the skills we've worked on. They are hard-working, and we have fun as well!
We shared about Cinco de Mayo, Vietnam and Korea, resume websites....and the best thing,
I noticed a lot of students helping each other.  Great!

I notice though I'm tired, I'm engaged because I love learning, including doing my first posting on this, my new blog.

To remember:
"The low level places are safest, so safe as to be nearly worthless.  It has ever been dangerous to leap into darkness, with hands outstretched for a star." Let's leap more often....we focus and trust we will receive what is meant for us to discover and grow.

Noticing Today

May 6, 2010

It's a good day to die, say Native American warriors, facing challenge.

I add, it's a good day to live.

What choices do we make in how to live our day?

We do, moment by moment.

Do we notice? When we do, we can appreciate the fullness of our lives, expansive real time.

Powerful living.

A day of challenge today, and I can meet it, with faith in the mystery of life.

I am grateful.